Kinross Show 12th August

We decided to return to Kinross this year. After the boiling hot temperatures of 2022, we were hopeful of another sunny weekend. This was not to be….

In spite of the squally weather Norman with the assistance of a young enthusiast, Hamish, managed to build the wall at the other side of the gate from last year. The boulders were enormous and Hamish’s help was essential. Trish, Robert and Bill were also on hand to help!

In between times the team chatted with members of the public and held down the gazebo, which threatened to take off several times. Perhaps we need to invest in a stronger version.

Overall the footfall was a bit disappointing, though there were a few useful enquiries including an offer of a possible training, which we can investigate in the future.


South Mains Trainees and Members' Practice 12th-13th August


Castlandhill House Members' Practice 29th-30th July