Demonstration wall - Scottish Smallholders Festival, Forfar. Saturday 22nd October 2022

It was good to be welcomed back to this annual event and 4 members - Kate, Dorothy, Trish and Florence - were there to tend the stall and greet members of the public.

The mart was really busy and with a steady stream of visitors, we were occupied all day.

Trish created a wonderful mini-wall on the table top and with A frames and lines set up it was a true example with great detail.

It attracted a lot of attention to the stall.

With lots of interest, the leaflets went rapidly.

Angus is a great county for dry stone walls, local people know a lot about them. We also met folk from Edinburgh, Fife and Banchory.

The wall was admired by many and deservedly so…. special thanks to Trish for the mini build!

And thanks to all who helped on the day and sent the pictures.


Annual CSB AGM, 6th November 2022


Retaining wall, Crathes Castle, Banchory. 10th October 2022