Presentation of Long Service Award to Ian Dewar, May 2018

Presentation of Long Service Award


Fourteen members attended this event at Huntingtower Hotel to meet Ian Dewar again and honour his energy, breadth of vision and long commitment to dry stone walling. True, he set Central Scotland Branch on an active path. His remit was much wider, however. One of the founder members of DSWA, he set up an example which  other countries have followed and a framework of qualifications which still draws to the UK people concerned with promoting the craft and protecting  heritage. Richard Love, our Trustee on the DSWA board, summarised Ian’s  service.Perhaps Ian’s greatest contribution  was the creation of the Craftsman Certification Scheme, Richard said,  presenting a framed certificate, a pair of beautifully engraved tumblers – I know not all members  admire the new logo but it looks good on glass – and a copy of DSWA’s 50th anniversary book. Ian responded with a short  speech of thanks and comments on the history of DSWA, showing the thought and preparation which led to his many achievements.We had members present from all over Scotland. A special pleasure was to meet Augusta, one of CSB’s very first members,  who in the early days organised the great trip north. Apart from much dyking with fine Caithness stone there was also a fair bit of singing, and mention of whisky. Ian recalled another notable worksite in Fife where the challenges of basalt walling lodged permanently in his memory.  Many messages of congratulation were received, including two emails from the USA praising Ian’s help, inspiration and friendship. A summary of his life to date shows the scope of the gifts and experience he has so generously shared.

Ann Gammack

Ann joined CSB after a Beginners course at Huntingtower in 2004. A hobby waller, Ann most enjoys building/restoring plain farm dykes with stone of a manageable size. Ann previously edited the branch newsletter and is currently the website coordinator. Ann was elected on to the committee in 2015


50th Anniversary Walling Competition 19th May, 2018

