Cambo Estate, Kingsbarns - 23rd - 24th Sept


It was another superb event at Cambo Estate this weekend. While Stuart and Billy took the beginners training course, Gregor and Malcolm were tasked with building a short section of wall at the newly renovated stable block.The short section of wall being built at the stable block is part of the ongoing work which the CSB members have been involved with on the Cambo Estate for over a decade.To add some interest to this section, the owners asked if we could do something with a piece of dressed masonry which had been lying in a pile of stone. Never ones to turn down a challenge, we decided to shape the top of the stone to give it an arch and laid it a couple of inches into the wall to provide a shelf. We're not sure what the piece was originally, but conveniently it perfectly fits a wine bottle!A few courses later and our little feature was complete!Sadly there was no wine on hand, but there's always a flask of tea somewhere.You can find out more about Cambo Estate and how to find it at you would like to sign up to one of our two day beginners training courses, head over to our Training Courses section for a list of events this year.  


St Fillans Golf Club - 19th Oct


Castlandhill House, Rosyth - 9th Sept