First event of the 2021 season
May 2021 and at last the season could begin. A small band of 6 intrepid wallers made their way to our new joint enterprise site at the Limestone Centre at Merryhill in South Fife. (See ‘Good News for the year ahead blog’ for more information.) The plan was to construct a sample dry stone wall for the first training event, which South East Scotland Branch were planning, Covid rules permitting, to run later in the month.
Central Scotland Branch started the work and although some time had to be spent on unpacking the stones from large Tradstocks bags as well as having to shelter from the rain, the group did at least manage to mark out a trench and begin to build.
Over a rather soggy weekend SES continued to build the wall, then CSB came in for the final stage. A limited number of copes meant some ingenuity was required, hence the turf on part of the wall..
A good piece of joint working, albeit, due to Covid regulations, working separately.