Letter from the Chairman
Dear Members,
Just a short note to let you know that my Nomination to be a Trustee of the DSWA has been accepted and I will become a Trustee at the AGM in March 18. I am hopeful that I will be able to assist the current Trustees and the HQ staff to take forward the Association.I also feel that having an additional Trustee from Scotland will heighten the Scottish branches profile at the quarterly meetings. As a branch we continue to try and provide an interesting programme of events for our members and hold courses to try and encourage new members to bring the average age of our membership down slightly. But lives are getting busier year on year and there is an ever wider range of leisure pursuits for people to try – so we need to work harder than ever to promote our craft and ensure our message is seen. Our newly launched website is the first of these initiatives set for 2018, and its hoped this will attract some positive feedback and renewed interest in what we do. One benefit is that we will be able to show more of our work to the public and although this means the demise of the Gazette as we know it we hope that by going to our site you can keep abreast of events and projects more regularly than we could with our Gazette. We will continue to publish events and articles that are walling related so if you have something that you think would interest us please send it in.I look forward to seeing you next season on a dyke somewhere, in glorious sunshine with plenty of stone at our feet!
Yours aye,
Billy McCallum
Central Scotland Branch of the Dry Stone Walling Association